Drawing endangered and vulnerable species from across the globe to highlight loss from our precious, natural world.
About this project - Drawing endangered and vulnerable species from across the globe to highlight species loss from our precious, natural world.
During lockdown 1, I was furloughed from my day job. The unexpected free time created an opportunity to make work. I decided to join #The100DayProject which is a free, creative brief running for 100 days on social media. I chose to make drawings on the theme of endangered and vulnerable species from across the world. I chose familiar species and those less well known.
I created some challenges for myself, and as the project progressed, I reflected on why I draw and why it’s important.
Sometimes, I set myself against the clock - what could I get down on paper in 30 minutes, 1 hour or 2 hours?
The project taught me a lot about different species but it also covered climate change, pollution, consumption and waste, and habitat destruction - all of which are having a devastating effect on our fellow inhabitants across the globe.
In September 2020, the World Wildlife Fund highlighted the rate of destruction of habitats and the likelihood of species becoming extinct. Biodiversity - the rich diversity of life on Earth - is being lost at an alarming rate. The impacts of this loss on our well-being are mounting. Catastrophic impacts for people and planet loom. To change the tide of loss and destruction, we all know there are positive things we can do - we can make different choices.
Drawing and art can play a positive role in highlighting such difficult issues around species and habitat loss by showcasing just how amazing our fellow creatures are - whether they are of land, sea or air.